I wrote of you in every of my falling words
And spoke of you in a million languages
I looked far for you
I searched the streets of time for you
I searched beyond the stars and their constellate
beyond the source of the sun and the planets for you
Yet you I found
I found you where time exist not
Where nights faded not and morning misses it’s turn
Where the sun smiles and the moon goes naked
Yet I found you in a woman’s fickleness
For you I stripped naked of myself
Stood frozen at thy glorious presence
I watched myself betray itself for you
I gazed as it gave it sanity away
And cloth every judgement in your name
I heard they call you “Affection”
But I preferred a better caption to you speckles
Those glimmer of perfection
I make dreams of in my feeble mind
I have watched myself
Laugh and found comfort in your company
Like a breast milk to a childs tongue
I have stood and watched
my very own heart
beat it’s drum to your rhythm
Whilst l gave out my precious juice
Without a seek for recompense
I have stood and watch
My heart faded for your very sake
Wilting away like trampled rose
I have watch
Whilst my heart frozen into stiffness like a refined crystal
Frosted like a Wine glass in winter
My emotions have she make merry of
My feelings have she poured out
To quench the selfish thirst running down her throat
My sore is unclothed
My wound still runs deep
All because i seek of you
In the wrong hands
Oh! what a loss.
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