You gather stars with your soft songs
And woo the naked moon
With your innocence
The moonlight kisses your presence
And speaks of you highly
In the rays of her full nakedness
She comes down to fellowship with man
In the wake of your presence
Mother nature sends her apologies
She pleaded guilty
To her ill-treatment
Of hatred; of pain; and suffering
On floods of your kind
Buried deep into their mothers comfort
I plead guilty too
If only I wasn't born
Into this failed society
Where you my child
will never go to school
Where the teachers cane
Will never taste your buttocks
If only I wasn't around
To witness
When you my child
Grow up to understand
That the land is polluted
By sour taste of testosterone juice
The land is not as green
As they claim it is
They say its a patriarch system
That's why you my daughter
Would disown my name
For another man's
So you see
That your charming beauty
That sparkle of smile you cherish
Would be wiped off your face
Because you smell of no testosterone fragrance
Your emerging breasts
Made of milk and honey
Would be doused by wicked lips
Who consider your kind to be weak
And unequal to bearers of two testicles
My son
If only I could stop you
From hearing the mother drum
The rumbling brawl
From the street where the youths are lazy
if only I could take you off
The company of fools
Those men with sold conscience
Running after the fragrance
that came of greed
Don't be like them son
Don't walk in the path
Of lesser mortals
Many souls had gone beyond
Many souls are paralyzed by corruption
Look away from them
For what lies ahead
Is condemnation.
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