Wednesday, April 26, 2017


When people ask me about my future wife; I never really know what to say!
When ask if I knew her. I laughed, I always tell them that,she's every fantasy I have and will ever dreamed of in life.
The thought of her is like what oxygen does to my dead cells,How her kiss revive it dead organelles back to life and still claim not hero praise.
I tell them, that she has this face that makes female envious,moonshaped with beauty that turns gold in the eyes of men.
She has this unusual calmness in her eyes; this peace that beams with sullen magic that would humble the peace of Heaven.
By a long shot,her strength of character and zeal for life carries enough potency to illuminate the mordant, unglossed chronicle of life.
I tell them, that if she came in substances, I will be her refinery.
I tell them, that If she was a book, I would read her from cover to cover, memorise her table content until my mind spells her to every letter.
For her I would make diamonds out of stones, bringing them all shinning and clear into the light of her incorruptible smile.
She is a lady of perfectly imperfections But I swear to God, her imperfections are the things I love about her the most.
She's reading  this message right now. I love her and I am thankful that God brought her into my life... I hope we win, I hope we succeed, i hope we stick together, I hope we marry!! .

I may be uncertain about life But I do know this; whenever I'm asked to describe you dear future wife, I do so as best as I can....

And every single time I do describe her, she sounds a lot like you HANNAH...she sounds a lot LIKE YOU!!!

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  I am poetry I am the definition of the handwriting On the walls of Babylon The one your fathers couldn’t read The one you are lear...