Thursday, December 31, 2020



I am poetry

I am the definition of the handwriting

On the walls of Babylon

The one your fathers couldn’t read

The one you are learning how to write


I am black

A proof beyond the colour on my skin

I am a testament of strong bronzed men and regal black women

From whose loins I sprang

See I am a story deeply rooted in the root of Africa


A story inscribed on the walls of Zimbabwe

I am the Ndebele’s, the Ngoni’s, the Zulu’s, the Yoruba’s, Igbo’s and Hausa’s

I represent a culture sprang forth by different mothers

Yet remain kinsmen of a single father


See I am Africa

The cradle of civilization

I beget humanity at the Nile valley

And made love to nature at Victoria fall

Yet I am the son that was sold to colonialism

And became a myth in a white man’s tongue


I am the river Nile

I am the foot print on the walls of Africa

The one who took course across the walls of Congo

Down to the land of the fallen kings


I am the voice you hear from the talking drum

The “ogene” is beaten to remind you

To tell our story in our native tongue


I am wole soyinka, chinue Achebe, Chimamanda Adichie, Tunji sotimirin, Niyi Osundare, El Robert, Paul word

I am the words written

To re-write the broken history of our story

Hoping that things that fell apart would one day fall back together





Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Come with me my love 
Away from the naked streets
Of the white man's land
Where mankind eyes glares
And street glass windows reflect our difference 

Come into the ambiance of the Black seas
Where the black shell houses the white walnut
Where the air sense of melanin fragrance
Where the cricket's lullaby puts us to sleep
Where your skin would glow as a clear oil lamp
And our ancestors would gather just to talk at night  

Let's sit with the moon In her full nakedness
She sends her kisses
I think we have her smiling at us
Below,the swaying palm trees rustles 
In the high night breeze

It is the hours of the stars
I think you've got them all wrapped up in your eyes 
The only one thing I would like you to do for me 
Is to share the blossom moonlight with me
Let's touch the joy of the earth with love
Let's cloth the world with a speechless emotion

Lay your head on my beard chest and listen
As my heart speaks of my feelings to you
Listen very closely as it echoes your name
Listen and tell me how the stars stares at us
in the mist of this rhythmic silence that cradles us

Smile into my eyes and grow my heart even more fonder
Let the air be lamed and awestrcken 
Let the fireflies glow even deeper
Let the cricket chirps loudly
For you whose smile freezes time

Let the night last much longer
Let the wind swirls strongly
Let the earth spins farther away from time
Let the stars falters even the more
For you who cause such wonder and awe

It's you mona Lisa; it's just you
That's has got me talking to the moon
It's your eyes that has got me dreaming of forever
From the clouds that floats by 
and the wind's silent whisper
It's you; the bliss that has found me

Nature paints us in different shade
But beauty isn't define by what is outside
But by what lies within
And in regards to how you make me feel
You've given me an insight

Of where I want to be forever
Of who I want to be with forever
Of whose face I want to dream of forever
It's you mona lisa 
It's just you.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Letter to "LOVE"

I wrote of you in every of my falling words
And spoke of you in a million languages 
I looked far for you
I searched the streets of time for you
I searched beyond the stars and their constellate
beyond the source of the sun and the planets for you

Yet you I found
I found you where time exist not
Where nights faded not and morning misses it’s turn
Where the sun smiles and the moon goes naked 
Yet I found you in a woman’s fickleness

For you I stripped naked of myself
Stood frozen at thy glorious presence 
I watched myself betray itself for you
I gazed as it gave it sanity away 
And cloth every judgement in your name
I heard they call you “Affection”
But I preferred a better caption to you speckles 
Those glimmer of perfection 
I make dreams of in my feeble mind

I have watched myself
Laugh and found comfort in your company 
Like a breast milk to a childs tongue 
I have stood and watched
my very own heart 
beat it’s drum to your rhythm
Whilst l gave out my precious juice
Without a seek for recompense 

I have stood and watch
My heart faded for your very sake
Wilting away like trampled rose
I have watch 
Whilst my heart frozen into stiffness like a refined crystal
Frosted like a Wine glass in winter 
My emotions have she make merry of
My feelings have she poured out
To quench the selfish thirst running down her throat

My sore is unclothed 
My wound still runs deep
All because i seek of you 
In the wrong hands
 Oh! what a loss.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


You gather stars with your soft songs
And woo the naked moon
With your innocence 

The moonlight kisses your presence
And speaks of you highly
In the rays of her full nakedness
She comes down to fellowship with man

In the wake of your presence
Mother nature sends her apologies 
She pleaded guilty
To her ill-treatment 
Of hatred; of pain; and suffering
On floods of your kind
Buried deep into their mothers comfort

I plead guilty too
If only I wasn't born
Into this failed society
Where you my child 
will never go to school
Where the teachers cane 
Will never taste your buttocks

If only I wasn't around 
To witness
When you my child
Grow up to understand
That the land is polluted 
By sour taste of testosterone juice
The land is not as green
As they claim it is

They say its a patriarch system
That's why you my daughter
Would disown my name 
For another man's 

So you see
That your charming beauty
That sparkle of smile you cherish
Would be wiped off your face
Because you smell of no testosterone fragrance 

Your emerging breasts
Made of milk and honey
Would be doused by wicked lips 
Who consider your kind to be weak
And unequal to bearers of two testicles

My son
If only I could stop you
From hearing the mother drum
The rumbling brawl
From the street where the youths are lazy
if only I could take you off
The company of fools
Those men with sold conscience 
Running after the fragrance 
that came of greed

Don't be like them son
Don't walk in the path
Of lesser mortals
Many souls had gone beyond
Many souls are paralyzed by corruption 
Look away from them
For what lies ahead
Is condemnation.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


As weak as I am,
As strong as I seem
I dress up with words,
That fit my needs
You’ll never quite know,
What I’m really about
A facade of persona,
That you’ll never doubt
I’ll be a pillar when,
Inside I’ve crumbled
Calm, cool,
When my head screams and cries
Fine, when I know an unjust was done
Diplomatic when,
I’m raging inside
You will hear how beautiful life can be,
As I try my own self to convince
I write without, hesitation of hope,
Words of belief,
Are scribbled,
With nary a wince
Our lines, our stanzas,
Our poems of life
We instill faith,
For those who read
While inside we are really calling out,
For ourselves to also believe


Look beyond your regrets;
And paint your pain with a smile 
Don’t spend your today in worries
For life is pregnant with tomorrow 
I will watch your dreamy eyes
Whist you clothe your wishes with roses

Tomorrow holds more blessing,
Like a crown on the head of time.
There is a life away from the street,
Outside those rags around your neck
There is a life for you
Where your dreams will find the corridors of reality 

So honey, do not be afraid of dreaming
because your dreams are not there to scare you,
they are there to let you know 
That something in life is worth it
So go ahead; make those wishes
And paint yourself in tomorrows picture.


Make me better with love
This my throbbing heart needs it dearly
Make me smile in my pain
Whilst I clothe my dreams with roses

Behold my wishes as they float the skies 
These wishes are painted before my eyes
In glitters of a broken smile 
My countless desires are bloated

Allow me to tell the world that I am naked
Allow me to feed my sight
With the countless images of fantasy 
I see across the street of life

I’m just a girl; nothing more than a girl
Caught in between reality and dreams
That sound you hear beneath my silence
Are wishful prayers of a kid
In hope of life and its luxuries.


  I am poetry I am the definition of the handwriting On the walls of Babylon The one your fathers couldn’t read The one you are lear...