Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Queen of all gentleness, Lady of all calm,
Whose voice is contentment, whose presence is balm.
Be there in my night, be there in my day,
Your ambiance I seek, your presence I pray.

Queen of all sweetness, effigy of all joy,
Your voice is my bliss, no doubt could destroy.
Be there at my thought, prowl through my mind,
Your love I seek, your heart I want to find.

Queen of all beauty, queen of all maiden,
Whose smile ease and heaves heavy burden.
Grant me strength, I seek for waxed synergy,
And kindling my heart that burns for thee.

Queen of all tenderness, lady of perpetual grace,
Your arms are skilled, eloquent of sweet embrace.
Be there at my homing, this I pray,
Your warmth I crave, at the end of the day.

Queen Medese of the East, Lady of all majesty,
Whose grace humbles kings and hurls dynasty.
Be my lady, for am void of a queen,
The sparkle of your love I seek, be my shine within.


Ajike I breath you in and out
As you've become my air
Many are the maidens around
But It's you who have become my heartbeat
The FUJI music my soul dance to
There are so many birds in the sky
But you are the OKIN; the most beautiful of them all
I was at oja IDARA when I first saw you
When your beauty caught my eyes
Your smile that day AJIKE
Robbed me of my sanity armour
I fell so deep in love with you
That I found you wandering the garden of my heart
When I saw you at ODO-ADO the other day
And saw how she wet your pretty face
I thought you were YEYE herself
In the rain yesterday I saw the rain drops
As they ran from your SHUKU
Down from your bosom to your gorgeous feet
And I saw how the earth adores each water drop
That drips from your beautiful attire
There is something special about you AJIKE
That ignite this flame of love inside of me
Could it be your smile?
Cos it sweetness beaconed on me
Could it be your endowment?
That which could not be hidden in a wrapper
Could it be your presence?
That makes the sky barren
And the wind lame in your absence
I think you are among the ORISA
No wonder your body likens that of a goddess
Far more gorgeous than YEYE OSUN
AJIKE I've drank the love potion in your eyes
I must be filled to the brim
No herb can cure me of this sickness
The ALAWO tried and yet failed
Your love has imprisoned me
I don't want to be set free
So when you see me AJIKE
When next we cross path
Know that this poet has fallen for you
From the tallest IROKO to the deepest river.
Stan has fallen for you.
#PoemByStan #ProudlyNigerian #EverGallantAfrican


Your beauty needs no enhancer nor bronzer
 You are adorable in a most profound way
As a sheen amidst seas of beauties
You glide my thought in a continuous circuit
My love, your smile is a glitter
It gives me fever
Yet it's my quickest fix and cure
My dearest inamorata
I deem of you in my widest thoughts
On each your beauty is engraved
You've got my heart burning
Earnestly inflamed for you
As the air I breath
I desire you infinitely
As the joy I seek
I long for you earnestly
You are a shooting star I wished upon
A twinkle little star
I gaze the skies in search for
Hoped you would one day fall
And so you did fall
You fell into the solace of my heart
From high altitudes,You fell With grace
And glees My heart with bliss
Beyond what was and what is
Beyond the curtain of our time
Beyond my dreams and expectations
My heart glees of bliss you bring
you’re my obsess and my favourite weakness
I find strength and synergy with you
In my book, you are the paragraph and only chapter
My score, against the pundit’s odds
My sure bet when the stakes are down
You are the apple of my eyes, the marble of my soul
A pleasant flower in my heart's garden
your nectar beacons on me, rich in sugar and honey
If your love chokes, and I’m asthmatic
Your dust, I shall inhale willingly
Loving you is an accomplished crime
I so wished to be jailed for.


  I am poetry I am the definition of the handwriting On the walls of Babylon The one your fathers couldn’t read The one you are lear...