Friday, September 2, 2016


Her heart dearth to speak; her heart longeth ears to listen,
Her thoughts fused with emotion enough to stop the cycle of life season.
Her words written on template of pain; carefully structured beyond minds,
A flow of malaise and melody; that which no song can transcript her poetic chimes.

Her heart made from nothing but broken pieces of failed trust,
An object of man's infatuation; a guest at the table of human lust.
She is a mermaid who dwelled and swim at the ocean of her own tears,
Struggles of her emotional world; a conflict against temptations and desires.

This is a letter from a distorted heart; scarred; slashed; shattered and broken into fragments,
Silent dreams, serenaded fantasies; Wretched Agony, Confusion surrounding every segment.
This is a poem from a heart that seeketh some semblance and Sepulchral feeling,
This is a plea from a broken lady that is in need of a taste of love and its healing.

If you could understand the language of her heart; the unheard scream bursting through her guts,
The pain that she feels; internal burns beaming around all her emotional thoughts.
She is tired; tired of hurt, tired of a repeating cycle of heart breaks,
She no longer wants to be put through emotional trials and heart aches.

She's tired of enduring the pains; tired of tears traveling down the road of her soft cheek,
She seeks for affection; consort and above all true love at its peak.
She wants to stop bleeding; she wants to keep breathing,
She wants to keep living; she longs for true love and its deeper meaning.

Somebody save her; somebody embrace her,
Somebody hold her; somebody love her.
Somebody show her the way to emotional ecstasy,
Someone take her off the trail of pain; far away from island of lust and its fantasy.

Someone play her the melodies of true romance; the tune of angels plucking a string from harps upon each droplet,
Bliss of paradise soothed and well grinded than the taste of chocolate.
Someone please get to her; save her before she loses her mind,
For she is an epitome of beauty; a rare gem of a lady who is hard to find.      

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