Sunday, September 25, 2016


We met as strangers; as two individuals with unfamiliar face,
We cross path with fate at the right time and at the right place.
Our path crosses just once and you seem far from leaving the corridor of my mind,
Never have I seen a radiant beauty like yours; to think you almost got my eyes blind.
You melted the wall surrounding my lonely heart at the instant sight of you,
Leaving one question racing through my mind; “How can a human be this beautiful”?
To see my very own eyes attendant as you walk pass me down the hallway,
A sight so adorable; a memory that never seize to linger at the template of my thought every day.
Can’t seem to forget how your feet glide the floor with much elegance than I can ever think of,
Even angels don’t have such walk; just not that graceful enough.
Don’t get me talking about your breathtaking smile; if only it powers were real,
Only it has the potency of pulling a bullet out of it stray.
And your inexhaustible beauty; that which the sun glows in it radiance,
Our own very own miracle on the galaxy of existence.
Am still in ecstasy ever since our glance transversely cutting the millisecond of time; that for me is our very own gravity,
That pulls us towards love and the slice of its insanity.
Same insanity that got my pen dancing in congruence to what my heart truly feels,
Racing to tell how I feel for you with the tip drop of the ink it bleeds.
It tells a fairy tale of love found in first light,
That greeted the rods and cones of my eyes in first sight.
Never have I felt this fabulous feeling of love for anyone not even in all of my youthfulness,
It still a thing of wonder how you turn my whole universe around with your meticulous tenderness.
Never knew how fast love can grow; never knew it burns like a wide fire,
Until you miss stranger became my forever wanting desire.
You change my definition of time as forever feels like seconds in your presence,
If only you would know life has no form and void in your absence.
How can I get you to understand this that everything around me losses its mystery when am with you,
Am not trying to complete the rhymes here but for real bliss in its purified state can be seen through your eyes in only one view.
In my own marvel picture you are my Mary Jane,
Of course am your superman and you; my Louise lane.
And together we will create our own very world; just you and me,
Cos baby our love is forever; always has been and always will be.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

LOVING A STRANGER by Robert Oluebube

As strangers we both started out,
Something about you caught me,stil can't figure it out.
Its still a mystery to me how such a beauty can fall for a beast like me,
That truly overwhelms me.
Sometimes I feel unworthy looking at your smile,
Like what grace it carries and the warmth it brings even when I'm staring from a mile.
And don't get me started about your eyes,for in them I see forever,
lost in your gaze and I stare till eternity passed away.
You've changed my concept of time; cause when I'm with you twenty hours feels like a minute,
the clock cease to move from the sound of your laughter and the sun refuses to give way to the moon
 for it also enjoys the view.
But when your are gone,even just for a second,
the ring in my body so loud like my soul wants to reach out cause my spirit place you on speed dial so it can re dial.
The hand of the clock move with double the speed of light,
and evrything dies of natural cause.
As strangers we both started out,
And I tried to hide this feeling for fear of doubt.
Tried to stomach everything bit of it,
But the butterflies in my belly wouldn't let me as they got so excited.
They fly their way up my gut and out my mouth,
now the whole world knows.
even mother nature and father earth can bear me witness; that everytime I hear the birds sing,
everytime I gaze into empty space with a smile on my face it is you at the back and front of my mind and everything in between doesn't matter.

Friday, September 2, 2016


Her heart dearth to speak; her heart longeth ears to listen,
Her thoughts fused with emotion enough to stop the cycle of life season.
Her words written on template of pain; carefully structured beyond minds,
A flow of malaise and melody; that which no song can transcript her poetic chimes.

Her heart made from nothing but broken pieces of failed trust,
An object of man's infatuation; a guest at the table of human lust.
She is a mermaid who dwelled and swim at the ocean of her own tears,
Struggles of her emotional world; a conflict against temptations and desires.

This is a letter from a distorted heart; scarred; slashed; shattered and broken into fragments,
Silent dreams, serenaded fantasies; Wretched Agony, Confusion surrounding every segment.
This is a poem from a heart that seeketh some semblance and Sepulchral feeling,
This is a plea from a broken lady that is in need of a taste of love and its healing.

If you could understand the language of her heart; the unheard scream bursting through her guts,
The pain that she feels; internal burns beaming around all her emotional thoughts.
She is tired; tired of hurt, tired of a repeating cycle of heart breaks,
She no longer wants to be put through emotional trials and heart aches.

She's tired of enduring the pains; tired of tears traveling down the road of her soft cheek,
She seeks for affection; consort and above all true love at its peak.
She wants to stop bleeding; she wants to keep breathing,
She wants to keep living; she longs for true love and its deeper meaning.

Somebody save her; somebody embrace her,
Somebody hold her; somebody love her.
Somebody show her the way to emotional ecstasy,
Someone take her off the trail of pain; far away from island of lust and its fantasy.

Someone play her the melodies of true romance; the tune of angels plucking a string from harps upon each droplet,
Bliss of paradise soothed and well grinded than the taste of chocolate.
Someone please get to her; save her before she loses her mind,
For she is an epitome of beauty; a rare gem of a lady who is hard to find.      


Her beauty is that of a million diamonds glittering with perpetual gracefulness; each reflecting its own ray of light making brilliant patterns,
She in herself an integral part; a masterpiece of God’s finest art,
As His giant gentle hands molded her He knew exactly who she would be,
She would be the one whose voice is so calm; calm enough to hear the whispers of angels from the depth of eternity,
Whose smile blaze with sullen magic; enough to penetrate through the sandstones of the hills and mountains,
She will be in her human self a miracle on the face of existence; whose beauty is indescribable in words; a joy to watch when she grazes the floor with her graceful walk,
To see the eyes of men attendant and respectful; and the eyes of women upholding the hypothesis of her dignify honor when she talks,
She will be that lady who moves with such flawless coherence of elegance and perpetual gracefulness that dead heart beat when she pass,
Sending off a wave of unstinted pleasure to their inhumane face in amazement to her indefinable class,
She will be that lady whose voice command respect; so much respect that no bird dares sing in the planet when she talks,
 In view of the universe being created around her immaculate gracefulness; the earth would rotate and dance in congruence to the luxuriant wave of her sweet voice,
waxing strong in her ambiance such to believe in her ineffable gift of completeness; for her presence is bliss seasoned with perfection,  
She will be a dowager queen who radiates lucid rawness of orchestrated elegance; So much elegance that the angels gasp in the wake of her presence,
same very angels would spread their wings in adoration so she could graze upon them,
those same angels would seek and find solitude in the ambiance of her meticulous tenderness,  
wishing that the melody from her luxuriant voice could be turn into songs; they will forever dance to its tune of sublime perfection,
wishing they could bask in the warmth of her smile; they will never forget to mask their face with it,
wishing they could bath with the purity that springs from her immaculate eyes; they will remain forever sacred,
wishing their names could be transcribed into the adoring letters of her name; for they shall forever bear the name HANNAH.


  I am poetry I am the definition of the handwriting On the walls of Babylon The one your fathers couldn’t read The one you are lear...