Monday, March 14, 2016


I am
the voiceless scream echoing beneath the lifeless pit of the underworld
For which life has been deprived of by the cruelty of the real world

I am
The soul that was never allowed into circle of life
By the ungrateful beings who never valued the importance of life

I am
The divinity of God's blessing to the world but an ephemeral to man
A subject to hatred and rejection to bad omen

I am
That unborn child who is denied of reproductive freedom
Forcefully faced maternal rejection from human kingdom

I am
The hope that was never allowed to see the light of the day
one who can never be saved no matter how hard I pray

I am
The joy that was gritted with sorrow
The extinguished light for a better tomorrow

I am
The gift of happiness trampled with hatred
Without a faint of my infant cry on earth been heard

I am
The voice that can never be heard by no one
Call me the aborted child or better still the dead one

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  I am poetry I am the definition of the handwriting On the walls of Babylon The one your fathers couldn’t read The one you are lear...