Saturday, November 11, 2017


I write away my pain in an unfaded ink
That my tears would fall enough for me to swim in
Here in this unfriendly cold and lonely darkness
I bear this stinted memory

I ache in this perennial pain and tears
I scream but no one seem to hear me
I bleed but no one sees my unclothed wound
Cos I wore roses to cover up the thorns

Beneath; my soul tremors with fear
desperate for these nightmare to go
And this scar to fade away
But it won't cos I've been torn apart

My sacred temple corrupted by an unholy worshipper
I have been robbed of my pride by a stranger
He stole my innocence
and took away my dignity

I'm nothing more than I am
And less than the beauty you see
My emotions feels like ice and I am frozen by fear
Even though I could stream a thousand tears
His unholy scent remains undouced

Every time it numbed my mind
Every time it burst my guts
Every time his ghost raves my thought
I gulp down few shots of scotch
To numb myself even the more

If you could look into my eyes
You will see i'm consumed by pain
Can anyone hear me?
Can you hear my desperate call?
Can someone rescue me from these prison walls?

I need to know what it is to breathe
Someone please find me
For my soul lies vacant and fragile
Please hold my frail heart with love
For I am a woman with a broken pride.




A bit of that a bit of this,
I love to graze your swollen nipple with a kiss.
i want to make a confession with my lips,
Crucified to the moisture of your clitoris.
A trip of bliss; travelling with ease,
Round your body; let me through your wet puss.
On the lip of it lies wide bliss,
A picnic spot not fit to miss.
Dare not to tremble just moan in peace,
While I drive my royal sword with ease.
Tonight let's take this flight; let me find your abyss,
And feel real passion; real desire from this.
I'll part your wet hot pussy,
It looks so tasty and juicy.
My goal is to please,
To make you weak in the knees.
I'll eat you till your soul leaves your body,
I'll eat you like it is my hobby.
Even when you're weak and numb,
I wont stop, I'll make you cum and cum.
And now that I've got you all wet and ready,
It's time to get things a little hot and heavy.
Did I say hot and heavy?
I meant to say hot and messy.
Cause your pussy my dick fit,
So when you're screaming my name saying Stan please don't stop it.
It's not gonna be just the motion of the ocean,
That's gonna keep your juices in motion.
I'm good at my game,
I'm impeccable with my aim.
I've never missed my mark,
And I ain't about to start.
But don't get it twisted,
This ain't what I'm all about.
Cause just like that I can flip it,
And show you what I really care about.
You see all of this means nothing with out you by my side,
I've not been chasing you for my foolish pride.
I've been chasing after your heart,
And it's been that way since the start.
My goal is not only to bed you,
But to wed you.
To make you my Queen and I your King,
To put on your finger a diamond ring.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


I'm nothing more than I am
And less than the beauty you see
I've been robbed of my pride
My honey pot is broken
By the rod of a stranger

Someone help me for i'm a broken clay pot
my wrapper has fallen in the market square
Help me for I do not know where to run to
My world is collapsed in the day light
It's wall is crumbled before my very own eyes

Someone please tell my mother that
My beads have fallen into pieces
The waist beads which stand for dignity
Have been taken from me
And never will be returned

Someone please tell my father that
My breast have been drained of it sweetness
Both have been doused by corrupt lips
And would never produce holy milk
For melons of vinegar is all I have left

Someone please tell my husband to-be
I'm nothing more than I am
And less than the beauty he seeks
Beneath that white veil
Is a shredded beauty

Which glitters with broken smile
Not more than a sear rose
Covered with broken thorns as beauty
Please take me and hold my frail heart with love
For I am a woman with a broken pride.



  I am poetry I am the definition of the handwriting On the walls of Babylon The one your fathers couldn’t read The one you are lear...