Wednesday, December 28, 2016


If I was to read for you, My queen that glow,
A poem of beauty, as only few words could show.
Like Picasso as a writer, let me paint your body,
A whisper of grace and elegance, without noise of gaudy.

You posses a twin of eyes, an immaculate glitter of beauty,
From which life receives its absolute lenity.
To glow in such light of orchestration, Like a crown on the head of time,
Whence bliss takes its origin and befitting prime.

Your alluring smile, a linger of unstinted comfort,
To the stars in tender darkness of the universe, glumming in discomfort.
Each of which humbles at your engrossing presence,
And glows in congruence to the light of your radiance.

Your arms like shields,protective armoury that gets soul lifted,
Touch of your fingers, ten cradle of breath taking sweetness, heavenly gifted.
Each a perfect blend of liniment and mystic power,such,
To impel dead heart to once last beat at thy touch.

your smooth bottled neck, over your soft shoulders,
Holds a face of coherent beauty, eyed in all beholders.
A beauty indescribable by far, as only few words could tell,
How ethereally lovely it can be ; perpetually graced with the touch of angel.

Your walk of indefinable class, a lucid rawness of orchestrated elegance,
So much elegance that the angels gasp in the wake of your presence.
To dance into ecstasy,from which heaven's purity is formed,
In but of your light of all light, they all are conformed.

 Those smooth long legs spread like the wings of a flyer,
 Inner thighs speak a truth that would mute a liar.
And drip sweet smelling nectar that excites a man's desires,
Like an addictive drug, that makes him only want to get higher.

Beautiful seasoned lips even angels could not grace,
Like two flaps of icing sugar, leaves me breathless each time our lips come in embrace.
And the pressure they do impart,
Have the power to break the devil's heart.

Your two cupped breast,stretch the stitches of your blouse,
As if swollen with milk and honey, my flame only its water could douse.
The most tender of all cleavage,had touched my palms with finesse,
Which contact makes me frozen; a sweet emblem dancing to impress.

If I was to read for you, My queen that glow,
A poem of beauty, as only few words could show.
Like Picasso as a writer, let me paint your body,
A whisper of grace and elegance, without noise of gaudy.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


In a world as materialistic as ours
Where ladies are only after material things
I found you

In a world as ever erratic as mother earth
Where things happens faster than the speed of light
I have you

In a world where beauty hangs amongst shades of lipsticks
And arrays of cosmetics and make ups
I choose you

Amongst all the good things our world has to offer
Fast money; fast cars; luxurious houses
I want you

I found joy in your face; it fills me
Your eyes are bliss; they bless me
Your smile is my drugs; it heals me

You are my life; I only live to love you
The blue ball in my sky; the pillar that holds my world in shape
My earth and my paradise; my joy and happiness

You are the drum; my heart beat for
The very air my lungs yearns for
You are the warmth my skin bask for

Morning and sun down, my mind lingers of your thoughts
dawn and night, my consciousness reads of your name
What can I do if I do not have you?

What pains am I not to feel if you let go of me?
There might be a billion reason to smile about
But you happens to be my favourite one

I want you more
I need you all
I cherish you much
I love you most....


  I am poetry I am the definition of the handwriting On the walls of Babylon The one your fathers couldn’t read The one you are lear...